miðvikudagur, febrúar 08, 2006 SKIRAN trip alomst over....
In this little over a week I've been in Iran, the world has managed to go mAd over a little cartoon. Whilst our only worry up to this point was to be properly covored with a traditional hejab (head-rag!) - since the punishment for not doing so is public whipping - now, we need to make shure we're not mistaken for danes! I am in Teheran for the day, along with my friend Tina. There are some sort of celebrations going on today and tomorrow - with people marching in the streets banging drumbs and swinging some chains on their backs (some even cut themselves with razorblades). I don't think the burning of the dAnish embassy was part of this celebration though.... every irani we have talked to thinks this whole mess is ridiculous, and of course, there is just a small group of extremeists that are responsible. Danish goods have been boykott and anything related to denmark has been re-named: danish pastry is now called Mohammeds pastry!
The snOw has been great and we feel very much at home in our little mountain village named Shemshak. Twice, we've eaten with the locals in their mosque - and everyone is very eager to invite us over for tea and food...
The people we see on the mountain are rich iranis - which are an interesteing bunch.... a bit arrogant maybe. The girls all wear 3 kg of makeup and the guys 8 litres of hairspray. But they all stay on the slopes, so we get most of the backcountry powder for ourselves!
On the agenda for the coming days is more snowusage, plus a little cultural trip to the ancient city of Esfahen.
ta ta for now......sAran! posted by sArs | 05:52