sAra tALar...
þriðjudagur, febrúar 14, 2006
Back from 1384!
Salaam dear readers! Am finally back in dEnmark from my little skitrip in Iran. My little travel mates and myself were not all aware of all this muslim-verses-the-west hatred that´s been going on these past 2 weeks. Living in a small irani skitown, cut off from all news, internet and telecommunication - eating free meals with the locals in the town mosque and chatting with the rich irani skitourists gave us our own vision of the situation. Personally, I´ve never met greater hospitality than in iran. Even on the day of the great "protests" and islamic revolutions, the people of iran smiled to us and encouraged us to join their celebrations..... where "down with usa, israel and denmark" posters where carried around along with mickeymouse balloons and more free food. It´s almost as if the majority of the poplulation didn´t even know what denmark was and it certainly didn´t occur to them that we might be related to any of these som called "enemies of islam". Last week, the delicates once known as Danish pastry were announced to be re-named mohammeds pastry in iran!
I have now returned to dEnmark, in the year 2006, from Iran, where the year is 1384 - and I hope to throw in some pictures from my trip very soon....and mabe even write some follow-ups plus more information of what REALLY goes on in Iran..... the things the media is not interested in....something I like to call the TRUTH!
Don´t be shy to throw in a comment to ask about subjects to write about... i´m listening!